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Knowledge base

Welcome to the knowledge base of Araco. On this page, you can find important information about our techniques, certificates, and the answers to the questions that are frequently asked by our customers.

Frequently asked questions

Do you have any questions about Araco, your order, returning, and/or swapping your products? Please take a look at whether the answer to your question can be found on this page. If you can't find it, feel free to contact our customer service. 

Frequently asked questions

Submission specifications

Hier vind je de juiste aanleverspecificaties per druktechniek. Er wordt zo snel mogelijk contact met de klanten opgenomen zodra een van de specificaties veranderd. 

On this page, the submission specifications can be found for each of the printing techniques. If there are any changes made to these specifications, the customers will be notified as soon as possible. 

Submission specifications
Submission specifications


If you are looking for the techniques that are being used by Araco, then take a look at this page. Each of the techniques is described in the best way possible. Please contact us when still having questions about a technique after reading the information. 


Certificates and environment

Araco probeert alles er aan te doen om een steentje bij te dragen aan het milieu. Hier vind je de certificaten van Araco op dit gebied en wat we doen om de productie, en hiermee het milieu te verbeteren

Araco tries to do everything in its power to contribute to the improvement of the environment. The certificates of Araco can be found on the page. Besides that, further information on how Araco wants to improve the environment by changing the way of production can be found as well. 

Certificates & environment
Certificates and environment
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